• +92 340 008 9000
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  • info@alqalam.edu.pk

Our Mission

Our Mission

Ummah (Nation) to its previous glory and civilization, Al-Qalam International believes that it is possible only by returning to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of our beloved and the respected Prophet (SAW). As the second Caliph, Hazrat Umar (R.A) Said:

“ We were the most despired of people. Allah gave us through Islam, so if we seek respect through ways other
than how Allah granted it to us, then Allah will surely humiliat us!”

Al-Qalam International has born out with this ideology that only wordly academic education is not sufficient for our ultimate success. Ultimate success for a true Muslim is to be successful in the world hereafter. The past century has seen an increasing dichotomy emerging between religious education and wordly academic education. On one hand we have the academic schools that teach only “wordly” curriculum. Then because of this dichotomy some religious people looking at the wordly education as an evil. However, this dichotomy does not existing in the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah which encourage us to ponder on the thing around us and seek all “beneficial knowledge”. Our aim is to provide both Islamic and wordly academic knowledge to our students.