• +92 340 008 9000
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  • info@alqalam.edu.pk

Our Vision

Our Vision

Since education is the foundation for a successful life of a nation.Human resource is the real capital asset of every nation. No doubt improper management and lack of leadership are the root causes of many problems that pakistan is facing at different levels and in the various domains of individual collective life.

Al-Qalam International believes that these problems can only be solved by improving the literacy rate.In this respect, Private sector is playing a tremendous role. Only well managed schools and colleges can provide a supportive and positive learning environment in which students have the opportunity to attaining the highest standards of education that will enable them to be responsible and productive citizen. Confidently to meet the challenges of the future.

Al-Qalam International knows that our children are the future. However, neglects the learning in the youth loses the present and is lost for the future. But for the glory of Islam, Islamic education should be combine with academic education for the child to be truly successful. Al-Qalam International is committed to offering an Islamic environment in the light of Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and the Sunnah with latest available resources in a quality English-medium academic system.